You know that terrible feeling when you wake up with a sore throat? Your thoughts begin racing, trying to fathome how this could have happened.
What did I eat? Was is cold yesterday? Was someone in class sick today? You then begin to retaliate.
No, this IS NOT happening. I have too much to do. I am going to beat this thing! This cold is going DOWN! Next, you plan your mode of attack.
Antibiotics!...and fruit...and soup....and sleep...and tea.....oh joy.
This was me last Thursday. Colds are not fun, but they happen. For this post, I thought I would explain how I, as a college student, conquer my colds.
First: Antibiotics
I use an natural antibiotic called grapefruit seed extract. There isn't anything fancy about it. It's simply extract from a grapefruit seed mixed with parts of the grapefruit. However, the stuff is potent. All you do is take 10-15 drops in a capsule 2-3 times a day with food. You can also put it in water and drink it that way, but grapefruit seed extract doesn't taste the greatest.
Second: Fruit
Before the sympoms get too bad, I make sure I am well stocked with fruit. I prefer citrus, mostly, but apples are good too. Most of the time, fruit is all I feel like eating when I'm sick, but I have recently come up with a soup I really enjoy.
Third: Soup
Soup is essential. The nutrients fuel your body, and the warm broth soothes your throat and chapped lips. My favorite soup is a variation of the failed masterpiece I posted about earlier. In my soup, I have chicken stock, chicken, kale, broccoli, rice, water, and cayanne pepper. Believe me, there are few things that are as rejuvinating. It's packed with nutrients and comes with a kick!
Four: Sleep and Lobelia
One of my favorite things to do when I'm sick, is fall into a deep sleep. Unfortunately, sleep is quite hard to come by when you are blowing your nose every 2 minutes, or coughing you lungs out. So, in order, to obtain the rest I need, I take an herbal supplement called Lobelia. Lobelia is mainly used to strength you respiratory system, which is great for a cold. However, it is also a powerful relaxant. Lobelia relaxes your entire body, which allows you to enter a deep, relieving slumber. However, it does more than knock you out cold. It heals your body while you sleep.
Five: Ginger Tea with Lemon
Herbal tea is perfect for sore throats, and the best one for a cold is ginger tea. To prepare it, you slice fresh ginger into a pot and boil it. After boiling, you let the tea sit for at least 10 minutes to cool. Then you add fresh lemon juice to the pot. Lastly, strain it and drink. The spiciness of the ginger clears your sinuses, and the lemon provides you with vitamin C. It's a wonderful combination, though the taste may take acquiring.
Well, those are the main things. Good luck!